Diritto ed Economia dell'ImpresaISSN 2499-3158
G. Giappichelli Editore

30/08/2022 - The WTO publishes the WTO Goods Trade Barometer on the indexes of world trade

argomento: News del mese - Diritto Internazionale e Comunitario

Articoli Correlati: WTO - Goods Trade Barometer - world trade

On August 23rd, 2022, the WTO published its WTO Goods Trade Barometer, which represents the leading indicator for world trade. According to the issued document and the analyses, global goods trade had a positive grow for the first quarter and second one even if, after having studied the issue, the grow decreased in the second quarter and will likely remain weak. This could be evaluated only when the full statistics of the second quarter will be available; it also appears that the Barometer is and will be influenced by the current geopolitical situation in Russia and Ukraine and the new challenges in China for Covid-19. As indicated in the Barometer, the WTO highlighted that automotive products index is only a little below the trend; nonetheless it lost the good trade period. For what concerns air freight and electronic components, it can be said that they are below the trend and appear to further decrease; on the other hand, the raw materials index has recently risen slightly above trend. The WTO also points out that the published Barometer reflects the trade forecast of the Organization of April, even if the possibility of a correct forecast is slower considering the outbreak of the conflict in Ukraine e possible economic consequences.