Diritto ed Economia dell'ImpresaISSN 2499-3158
G. Giappichelli Editore

20/12/2019 - Venture capital: greater possibilities of direct financing for SMEs

argomento: News del mese - Diritto Internazionale e Comunitario

Articoli Correlati: venture capital - social entrepreneurship - news

The Council of Ministers recently approved, as a preliminary, the bill delegating to the Government for the transposition of the European directives for 2019, the “European Delegation Law 2019”. Among the measures to be approved are the changes to the operating rules of European funds for venture capital and social entrepreneurship. The approved draft scheme provides for the adaptation of the national legislation to the regulation (EU) 1991/2017 of 25 October 2017, which amends regulation (EU) no. 345/2013 relating to funds for venture capital and regulation (EU) no. 346/2013 relating to European funds for social entrepreneurship. The standard has the objective of strengthening the internal market of qualifying venture capital funds and qualifying social entrepreneurship funds, increasing economies of scale, reducing operating costs, improving competition and broadening the choice for investors.