Diritto ed Economia dell'ImpresaISSN 2499-3158
G. Giappichelli Editore

09/05/2022 - The EU Parliament addresses the issue of people’s fundamental rights in the digital sphere.

argomento: News del mese - Diritto Internazionale e Comunitario

Articoli Correlati: EU Parliament - digital sphere - data services act

The EU Parliament has reached an agreement on new rules to combat the dissemination of illegal content online and protect people’s fundamental rights in the digital sphere. On April 23rd, 2022, Parliament negotiators and the EU Council reached an interim political agreement on the Data Services Act. Together with the Digital Marktes Act, the DSA will set the standards for a safer and more open online space for users and a level playing field for businesses in the years to come. With the new rules, intermediary services, for instance digital platforms such as social media and online marketplaces, will have to take measures to protect users from illegal content, goods and services. Specifically, in order to achieve the object, there are new legislative and legal tools such as the Algorithmic responsibility: in particular, the European Commission and EU countries will have access to the algorithms of large digital platforms. Another tool that was thought by the EU Parliament was that of the quick removal of illegal content online, including products and services: clearer “notification and action” procedure, thanks to which users will be able to report illegal content and digital platforms will have to act quickly. Another goal of the agreement is that of the achievement of more responsible online markets that will have to ensure users purchase safe products or services, strengthening controls on the reliability of information provided by merchants and preventing illegal content from appearing on their platforms, including through random checks.