Diritto ed Economia dell'ImpresaISSN 2499-3158
G. Giappichelli Editore

08/08/2019 - A new era for online platforms

argomento: News del mese - Diritto Internazionale e Comunitario

Articoli Correlati: internet - online platforms - international consumers

Due to the Internet, platforms can provide users a fast and successful access to the international consumers on online markets. The fact of being online is one of the main reasons why they have become the best place for successful businesses, as they are faster than offline ones. The European Parliament approved the new Regulation on platform-to-business trading practices, very useful for trusted and innovative businesses and traders when using online platforms. The main innovation is presented by the Online Platform Observatory, set up by the EU, in order to monitor the development of the market and the right implementation of the rules. With this, an important turning point of the digital single market has been produced finally, with the main point that new rules will be implemented for the sake of fairness and transparency. This can also lay the ground for future developments. Furthermore, this Regulation is considered to be important because it may improve trusts and will offer new possibilities for resolutions of disputes between businesses and services with a better quality at a lower price. The text of the Regulation has been adopted by the European Parliament on 17th April 2019 but it has not been approved yet by the Council of the European Union. Once adopted, it will enter into force 12 months after its publication on the Official Journal.