Diritto ed Economia dell'ImpresaISSN 2499-3158
G. Giappichelli Editore

15/07/2018 - Consequences of the omission of information of preinstallation on a SIM card

argomento: News del mese - Diritto Internazionale e Comunitario

Articoli Correlati: sim cards

On 31 May 2018, in the joined cases C-54/17 and C-55/17, the opinion of the Advocate General Campos Sánchez-Bordona proposed that the Court of Justice of the European Union declare that the mere omission to provide the user with information on the pre-installation of voicemail and internet-access services on a SIM card intended to be inserted into a smartphone does not constitute an unfair commercial practice if that user has previously been informed about the terms of access and the cost of those services. In particular, the said opinion considered that the mere omission does not constitute an unfair commercial practice if the user has previously been informed about ‘the technical and operational processes whereby [those] services are actually used … and the actual cost of those services’.